Sunday, music and fantasies

Portuguese castle of Almourol (Tagus river)
I will try not think too much. I will try to do it.
I have downloaded a serious amount of individual songs for my phone. It memory card is full. Some of the musics that I have downloaded were such a new for me and also, some of such news, hasn't pleased me that much. Others, in the other hand, are the most pleasant songs that I have had in my possession for a long, long time (even those depressive pnes)! I am thinking on the solution to solve such fulfilling of my barely full memory card. I have two others memory cards in my possession, one filled with music and the one filled with music and the other one is half full. Eheh, funny thing.
I am thinking on deleting those songs that doesn't please me that much.the other ones, I'll keep them. I'll download more music, if the thing goes insane again. I need a solution for this. And I am thinking on the most immediate one.

I haven't spent that much time in the café. Usually, I am there for aout two or three hours. Today, I've simply had the time to sit down, have my coffee, read the newspaper and smoking two cigarettes. I got up and walked away. Later on, I might be there having another coffee. Maybe not.

The Sunday is vanishing. Slowly, the sun is setting and the sky, my bedroom, the whole country is getting in the darkness of the night. Listening to medieval song with a modern touch, like Blackmore's Night can do, always helps. My soul flies to ancient times (maybe not that ancient, but older times), I see the knights the horses, castles full of people and life and death.

I am fantasizing and it feels just amazing!

Let me go and fly away!


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