
I have been the most part of the night having fun. I've seen both my twitter accounts and had some good "interaction" in the secret account (a.k.a. the second one).

I went to check my account on too. I've seen some profiles, hitted "like" buttons in some pictures, commented a few others. 

I've been listening to Adele, t.A.T.u., Roxette, Apocalyptica. I've had fun with myself.

I've been hitted by some insomnias. I feel asleep almost 24 hours ago, seriously woke up in the afternoon, after two whole days without sleeping. Still not working in crafts or art. I miss the time that insomniac nights like ths were filled with papers in front of me and a bunch of colours to colour the papers. Charcoal to draw with shadows. Blood-pastel to make the paintings like the Egyptian-like-face that I've done, times ago.

But my insomniac nights are now filled onlne or just playing games in the computer. I also develop mentally some plans. Like that secret place wherenI want to settle down my dirtiest and kinkiest thoughts. But that's "just a thought... only a thought... (Dido "Life For Rent"). I am thinking on getting that "spot" for a while now. I've once started getting a new google account, as I thought that we could get independent acconts from all the google services. I quit the idea. But there are many other places where I can do what I am planning, like tumblr (then again, there are two accounts: a regular / personal one, and a private / secret one). Still prefering blogspot to start with. Then I can connect those secret accounts to that secre blog.

But Why there must be a secret involved in everything?

Because the world is smal and I wouldn't be admired that some of the people I know would find me in such "fields" and start commenting on it. But the problem aren't those who comment: the problem are those who have dangerous thoughts and take the actions.

I walk the streets at night. I've seen things that I would never thought to see. I've done things too. I walkthem up and down. I'm at the gas station with sme people. They decide to leave and I walk down the avenue with them, returning to the gas station in my own, just for the pleasure of it. I chose longer ways or I decide to make long walks with no sense, just because I'm feeling into it.

People call me crazy. They have no idea!

I'm sitting near the window of my bedroom. I have a small space to see through the ending of two buildings of apatments, like the one I live at. We see the top-yard of the small mall all around, through my bedroom and my kitchen's windows. Lots of windows to look to, if they're lighted on and curiosity calls me. When I am in my living/dinning room window through the night, smoking cigarettes or joints and I see one lighted on window, I tend to look and to see as much as possible. There is one balcony where I used to see naked men. Through the years, many families have lived there, as well as single men. Through the years, that balcony has been part of my imaginarium. Through the years, I've developed mental dramas and pornographic movies in my mind, de to the lights turned on through the night, the naked men in the window smoking and the lack of women in some times.

 Wish I knew what I am thinking. I wish I knew what I am feeling. But I am too tired for this right now. It is 7 am and off I go to the bed late (or early, depending o your point of view!)!

Goodnight / good morning!


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