Random Thoughts

It's 2:30 in the morning and I'm sitting in the bed, typing this message on my mobile. After coming from the café, I was thinking about a text to write, but once again, that went away.
My poor, old blog is a mess. I exported the texts from the blog in Portuguese and uploaded it here, so you'll easily find texts both in Portuguese and English. My texts are another mess of feelings - mostly depressing stuff, but it is what it is. Times have changed and so did I. Despite not writing as often, it still is my escape. I'm not willing to go through years of spelling mistakes, wrong labels, fix it and try to attract more views to this blog. I'd rather write a final post, with a link to a brand new blog and try to be more careful with my writing.
I'm sitting alone in the bed and one of my cats is looking at me. I pet him, open the sheets so that he can lay under them, but he decides that sitting by my side is more appealing. He looks at me and I pet him and then I proceed to write a little more. Then, he leaves the room and I'm alone again, with Richie Campbell's music on my earphones. And it feels good.
I've already mentioned that I thought about a text to write, but definitely it won't "happen". I let behind the need to write about someone - I really didn't and will write in another blog, in Portuguese, although I'm aware I'll most likely hate the result of it throughout the writing process.
It's almost 3 in the morning and I'm going to sleep. I've fixed my sleeping schedule and this is a bit late for me. The world outside keeps running, people keep walk back and forth, things keep happening. 


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