Random thoughts, Full Moon, anger

Let me type about something random. I could type about my night. On how I did got so annoyed, so mad, that I am still a bit pissed off. Too damned bothered, to be able to relax. I am listening to music, to try to calm down. It is not working, although my mind seems to start flowing more softly. It is entering in the "zone" of soft sadness, after a grand attack of bad mood. Me at my best!
It is all cool. It'll be chilling soon. I hope.
Random thoughts. What can I type about? The Full Moon that I haven't looked at, due to the Earthly problems? About vampires, werewolves, witches dancing in a forest? About how life and the night are calling for me, and here I am, inside my dungeon, on the 5th floor of a building of apartments. Here I am, trapped by my boring, soul killing daily / nightly routine, without a single move to improve / change it. 
I could type about something more. Maybe about the forever plans for tomorrows, that turn into another tomorrows. It wouldn't work out, it would be pointless, useless, time and energy waste. It would be the same old weep-tale, counted over and over. No one cares about it anymore.
Well... there's this friend of mine. Met through a mutual "friend". And it seems that "friend" is the best possible suitable name for that girl. I know this guy for a very short time, but in this very short time that we know each other, he has been showing me his friendship. He hasn't simply rubbed my back and said something of the knd: "oh, poor thing!". He simply said all the things that I really needed to listen. That I must get up and move. The simple, but truthfull words. One very good proof of friendship.

My damned mood. It seems to be affect my mind. It is hard to get foccused. Due to my position on the chair, my right shoulder started hurting. Maybe it is due to the feeling of anger. Maybe it's just due to days and days sitting in this position, typing on the tablet. I don't know and I can't say it.

Late in the night. It's always late in the night, lately. The night seems to be the best time of the day to do anything: to type, to create, to destroy, to love and have sex, to eat chocolate or anything just good, to walk the streets, to soeak to a good friend. 
It's full moon. It affects humans. It affects animals. It affects lots of magical creatures and events. The Full Moon is the kind of thing that affects the whole life. I am now imagining being at the beach, in the Full Moon night, smoking and living something. Something different and greater.

It is enough for now. Just give a few minutes. You can possibly count with another entry. Maybe still about random thoughts. Maybe with something to say. 
And perhaps, I shut this down after seing a few stuffs online.


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