Angel Alucard

Angel Alucard!

Why such a nickname?! Why such a definition of myself?! Maybe it is due to my travellings to both sides of it, light and darkness.

Angel was originally born in one of my stories. It is the character that I consider somewhat of an alter-ego. He is strong and determined, a bit wacko and suicidal. There are stuffs on which we are the perfect match of each other. In others, we couldn't be more different. He's also one of the voices who speaks inside my mind. He's like part of my conscience. He's a part of the world that I've created within. He's a buddy of so many years, that it would be difficult to imagine my life without him.


Ah, sweet Alucard, a vampire who's a vampire hunter. Whoever has seen the anme "Hellsing" knows of who I am talking about. Who hasn't and feels curious, I truly advise such anime. Who don't give a shit about animes, but still feels curious about Alucard, you can always search about him on Google and you'll possibly will find anything about him on Wikipedia.

There's always something within people that makes them flow between light and darkness. It's human nature and instinct. I am between light and darkness too. Angel, that two colours winged angel, s trapped between light and darkness too. He could have chosen between light or darkness, but he prefered to stay in the middle.

Alucard hunts vampires. Fake vampires, people who are, in fact, zombies (another name and another kind of vampire, in another level). There's no harm fr Alucard since you're in the right path. Then again, there's always light and darkness involved in a single being.

And that's why I go alongside Angel Alucard. That's why Angel Alucard is my name. That's why he's an alter-ego. Alucard in honour to that vampire wh seduces me in my fantasies. Angel due to the lack of imagination of my teen mind, when the charater has been created and in the time he was born within my mind.

That's why this blog is named like this!

That's why I am the way I am!


Elizabete ღ said…
I had never thought about the name of your blog - which was pretty silly when you think of the time I've spend to choose the name of mine!! XD
But I liked the post! I liked too that you have shared the blog on Facebook! =)
Maybe I'll see you later at Nosso, going to think about pass there after work!

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