Rock + Metal music = Better mood

My mood has been shitty in the last few days. Plus, the day before yesterday (October 9), would've been my dad's 51st birthday if he was alive. Put a whole bunch of explosive stuffs inside a bag and shake them and seeif it'll explode or not (you better not try this or you mit end up without a hand or an arm or you will even end up dead!).
I found out that I can download most of thr musics that I may wish directly to my phone. i have downloaded a bunch of musics and I am pretty satisfied with the musics that I have. I am pretty satisfied with some of the metal songs that I have craved for a few years and which are now playing in my earphones. I am feeling in the mood to go out for a walk. I am in the mood for a long, long night walk. I am in the mood to get lost. I am in the mood to accept love. I am in the mood to embrace it. I amin the mood to embrace life and death equally. I am in the mood for way too many things. But my words have been speaking louder than actions. In everything!
Sometimes I do look like very determined to get my ass up and go for all the stuffs that I have to go through. Then again, it are just words. I take no action.

I am in the mood to embrace way too many things. My insane mood has gone a bit better. Thanks to Metal / Rock songs. There are people who are aware of how well they do their work. People like Doro Pesch. Without getting out of my bedroom, I am travelling through lands that I have dreamed of before. I like the way my mood is turning.



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