Killing time

I am killing time before going to the cafe. 9:20 pm and I consider it too early to get out and go to the cafe. A friend of mine will possibly meet me there. But like the "possibly" say, it is just a possibility. He'll get his girlriend to her work and they'll head to the cafe. Since it is not our ordinary cafe, I doubt they'll allow my friends to get in after midnight. I'll be going there in a bit. About the others, luck and patience, if I manage to get the necessary patience to be there awaiting for them.
I am listeing to music.
One f the many musics that  have been massively dowloading. Possibly, I'll dowload a bit more when I arrive to the café. Maybe, I won't download any more ntil I manage to surpass the struggling with the remaining space in any of my memory cards. Let's see. Only there, I will be able to decide wether I download or not more music.
Just killing time before heading myself out and put my effort in the walk through the streets.
Jus killing time...


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