Alter-egos, e-books and writing

I have recently started a blog with my American friend, Ering Leigh. At the time that we've been talking about the blog, I have asked her if she was using any kind of nickname or if she wold be signing with her real name. She said that she was signing it with her name: she's never been anything else than Erin and she loved her name. She's the Sad Tomato: the kind of name that I've read from her a while ago, I don,t know on which occasion. And it's a pretty nice name.
I have been thinking seriously about my nickname. I am using my real names: Bruno Miguel. But I have also thought on signing those entries as Angel Alucard. In fact, I have changed the authoring name to Angel Alucard and I just put it back to Bruno Miguel. It is being a strange thing to struggle about another name to use. Angel Alucard is somewhat of my alter-ego. More than simply one of the characters of the novels that I keep typing about (without typing the novels), he's just part of me; he's one of the voices in my mind.
But there's another issue on here: Elias! The newcomer. He keeps struggling about getting his voice heard. I think that he wants his name in that blog and I am seriously thinking. But there's the big problem with the surname: he has never told it to me and I am thinking on contless possibilities for it. Elias Gabriel is one of them and one of my favorites by far. If only I could make this task any easier...
A few hours ago, I went out to have my coffee and the cafe where I usually go on Sunday afternoons was closed. I came back, had my coffee in another place. I didn't gone to have a coffee on my own in that mall for years and while walking down te streets, I stopped by the book store window. I haven't read anything new and good for ages (I read one of my mother's books and it hans't pleased me that much.  Told her the book was "interesting", just not to let her feeling bad, so don't tell her, please!). I have no money to buy books. And so I reminded about m aunt's tablet, that actually was in the back pack that I was wearing and I reminded that Google Play Store has the book section, with free e-books. Those books, are samples or old books. Those books can entertain me for a while and actually the can give me goods ideas. They can help me to realise the big mess that is going within my mind. And that is one of the things that I still want to do, before closing the Internet connection and walking all alone in the night streets (6 pm + Autumn in Portugal = night time), heading home.
I might get something written out of these insane ideas that I have had. Some thoughts that can turn onto very beautiful texts: small or bigger ones. What really matters is writing. And writing my insanity down can be a very good therapy!


Elizabete ღ said…
I’ve read this before, but at the time I was absorbed by the end of the text and I forgot to comment about how I hate subtle…
I’m anything but subtle and I’ve always admire people who speak their mind without a second though.
I think I relate subtle with the inability to make a decision and I hate people who can’t decide themselves. I also hate to try to read people or guess what they want or what they think, when they could simply be honest and true and explicit – I’m ALL about explicit.
So subtle people – JUST GO FOR IT!

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