A busy afternoon

I could plan what I wanted to type one million times. I could plan, soeak those lines to myself countless times and still wouldn't work out. Whenever I finally sit to type, things would be vanished! I want to play one of the many games that I've download for my aunt's tablet (some of them require an Internet connection, what means that I need to play them here), but I never start playing without doing everything that I need to do first.
A boy who I now, showed me the European Card of Health services. If you're an European citizen, travelling throu the European Union, Switzerland, Iceland and another country ending in Land whose name I can't remember, you should have one. It assures you medical assistance, in case you get sick and need to go to an ER. In the other hand, it's pretty useless if you have a chronic disease and you want or need to move along to another country. I'm working on getting that card, but it'll be a bit useless for me.
My friend Cristina, who's actually an ex-penpal of mine, lives in London. I've been asking her a few question and she has been pret useful on giving me the info I needed. It sucks that the places need more than simply that card for some stuffs we need. England is not the only European Union (shit heads) country, what means that are many options: all of them are limited due to that reason.
I have also been checking my e-mail accounts. Emptying the inboxes. I will improve the attachement of most of them to the newest gmail account that I've gotten. Perhaps, it also will be the new beggining that I'm needing of to add the e-mail account that I use for this blogger, facebook, twitter, tumblr and countless other stuffs. Or maybe, I'll just request the gmail account for these ones. We'll see. Maybe not now. Maybe not today.
I want to change way too many things. I don't want to try to change all of them today, or in this week. Maybe not even in this month. It'll take it's own time. I need to be realistic and face the truth. I need to put all the effort in the stuffs that I want and need to do, but only the effort that I know I'm able to stand. Putting too much effort won't work, if I can not stand all it takes or if I can not make it the way it needs to be done.
It has been a ver busy afternoon. I might not have changed much. I am pret sure that I haven't changed the world, but I am working towards the change of mine own. I want to change all this crap. I am working the little and tiny stuffs I can do about that.


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