twinks + hunks = twunks

If you go to and you make a search on hunks, you'll find out muscular men. Big muscular men, to be more exact.

If you go to te same platform and you inser the expression twinks, you'll possibly will be driven to gay pornographic websites.

Still related on the young hunks that I have mentioned yesterday, in the other post, if you do the same search using the term twunks, you'll find out all the above. I am not an avid porn consumer, although I do enjoy watching a quick video or two, but that expression (twunk) wasn't strange to me at all.

It makes me think on how much of a twunk we do enjoy from times to times. I do prefer older men, but if it comes to a very handsome muscular 18 or 19 years old boy... well, that is a ver good bonus!

And that's it about this post! ;)


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