the most stupid thing

Is that I came to the café to do something online that I haven't been able to do. I also came here to type something specific and I am not being able to. I try to listen to some music on youtube, but since I am typing while the music is playing, it automatically stops, so I am forced to listen to the dudes in the cafe speaking. It is somehow a way t force me to deal with something, perhaps with the challenge that it is to write with all these people speaking around me. And this is something that I consider ver stupid.

I make a few plans. Some of them should have been written, so they wouldn't have been lost this way! They weren't. In fact, I am thinking on writing texts for my blogs at home. I mean to handwrite them and then, it is just to make somewhat of a copy. I have read that in the blog of one of my followers.

Speaking of my followers. The people who follow me here, in the blog. Some of them have read the old secret blog that I have had for a very little time. And all of them were people who have contacted me when I was having one of the most disturing times of my life: death, disease, employment. Unemployment still lasts, but all the bad feelings about all the rest come ocasionally. And as I have done since I have gotten the first follower out of my circle of frends, I have decided to check the profiles of those people. I wanted to read their profiles, to read to their blogs (there's where I have found out a blog whose owner has written an entry, mentioning that he used to write the entries first, to copy them later on). 

The most stupid thing is that I am seeking the impossible: to get things done, without moving my skinny, lazy ass!


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