Futuristic cities of my dreams

Somehow, this song makes me imagine a futuristic world, with flying cars, spaceships, spacetrips. Perhaps due to the sound itself, and not that much about the lyrics, since the lyrics speak about love and difference.

For the very first time ina long, long time I have dreamed and fantasized like in the old times. While walking down the night streets of my city and listening to this song blasting out loud in my ears. I haven't seen any cars in the road, as they were flying up in the sky. The small and few raindrops were like the tears falling from Heaven, as my soul seemed to have risen again.
Maybe the way the music worked, after I have downloaded it, was due to the joint that I've smoked a few hours earlier alongside with the two Tequila shots that I've taken (just imagine if I've gone crazy enough to have the absinthe's that I got offered). Maybe, it is just me allowing myself to dream and fantasize again. It has been hard to write: my poetry isn't pleasing me and I have taken the decision, without any doubts, to buy new and good quality notebooks to pass all the handwriten poems that I got. They're over 1000 (yep, one thousand) and it will take me long hours of handwriting, as it has taken long hours of typing. I also want to handwrite all those diary entries that I have writen, mot of them between one poem and another. And those diary entries are what will survive the less, because there are things there that I don't want to leave for the post-living times of mine.
Now I want to start it all over.
Even my poetries... I'd like to be able to give them futuristic "touches". But I can't imagine how I'll do that (does any of you knows any futuristic poets?)! I want to try, but then it becomes something weird and I give up even before I try it out.
Fling cars and spaceships...
Trips through the cosmos and our city is still the same.
All these years have been a lie and nothing turned out the way that we've imagined it, although we're seing more inventions and more developments taking us in that direction. 
It's ok... it's just ok...
I need to dream more. I need to fantasize more.
The darkness is unleashed inside of me.


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