Friends With Strange Desires (again...)

Last Sunday morning, I have ended  up in the middle fo a wood, doing something with a male friend. He requested my secret, after what i have done to him... it wasn't needed: I know what you, straight dudes, want after gay sex.

last Sunday morning, after one night out, i went to take that friend home and we ended up there: doing what nature called us to!

Times ago, I have typed an entry about a friend  who showeed some interest on doing a "test-drive" to me, late at night, when we were speaking with each other in the top of his building. Last Summer, I think that I've mentioned a friend who I got laid with, after one night out drinking and smoking. today, this is the entry. What you're reading is what you're getting. No further details. No images to be seen.

It doesn't really matters! Matters that things have been done! Matters that I was really in the need of typing this (I've written names and further details in my diary)!

Men are strange... Seems that they're wanting to try more than they've wanted ever before. Seems that they're more open-minded than ever before. Seems that they're going further on the sins they're wanting to commit.

I'm strange...

I'm so strange...

and it feels so good!


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