What priorities?

I am always wanting to do something. Too many things at the same time. I want to draw. Then I want to write. Oh, maybe I should craft something. And I end up with nothing done.
I know, I know. I should stick with priorities. But what are my greatest priorities at the moment? Getting a new daytime job. I have added the lacking details to my curriculum, so I am ready to order a few prints of it, to distribute them here and there, to e-mail them to some stores. Another of my priorities, perhaps the greatest one, is to live - and I keep living. I keep on trying and trying and trying. Isn't it enough? I try again!
My art... I do it when it has to be done. When I feel that the right time is there. For now, I am just back on re-writing my diaries. I think I can call it of editing, since there are lots of things thrown away. Years of moaning and groaning, writing three days in a row the same thing? I need to keep only what's important. Not everything is for one's eyes - not even mine.
I think that, despite I keep on doing and moving, insecurity still is my greatest flaw. And it's what makes me want to edit all my diaries, to re-write by hand all of my poetry, what means nearly two thousand (2000!!!) poems so far. But it's what I feel I have to do. It is what I have choosen to put as my main priority on my "creations and recreations". There are ideas crossing my mind. I just need to get myself straighten up, ready to go ahead. Because this next task... it isn't easy at all.


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