It'll take milleniums...

It seems it'll take me a million years to understand.
It seems I won't live enough life's to understand what burns in my soul.
I see time passing by. I walk away from people, for the simple reason that I am not feeling into enjoying company. I need to be on my own. I need to spend my days with my aunt or with my mum. I don't get what is this feeling, that drags me to the bottom. I don't get what is this feeling that makes me love them so much in one second and wanting to strangle them right after. But that's how I feel about my friends. And I haven't been in the best mood lately. Neither I want to murder any of them. So I walk away. And they "chase" me, they "hunt" my company before giving up one more time.
No good night wishes at the café. My voice was barely heard and the dishes have been nearly thrown all night long. People got to know me in almost two years - maybe I "spit" my bad vibes all around and they feel it or maybe they know my pissed off face and fear that I might go mad. I don't know.
Maybe, we'll never live to understand. And a lifetime is enough - if not a waste of time and energy at all.


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