Night time

The night is a cold place to be (I'm aware).
It takes less than a night time to see things have changed. People have changed. Even their desires have changed - wait, have I see the same signs of you coming my way? And how many "yous" do I write about?
I have planned on a quiet night at home. I'd write the letter I have to write for days. The mood isn't there; it's well known that I'm lazy too. 
I came to listen to something, as I write. I found this soundtrack on the suggestions (the owners of the channels where I listen some music from). I am liking it a lot, even though I am wanting to change to something more... classic, you know? There is a choir and it approaches to what I want to listen to. (I've been already called of "choir boy", for loving choirs so much)

I had to write. And I write something. Here. Right over there. 
I long for the day where I'll stop worrying so much. I long for that day, when I won't fell the need to observe (and to absorb) so much.
I long for the night. For the birds tweeting in the nocturnal sky. For the silence. 

I came home early. Left at three (3) in the morning and returned at four (4).
The night hasn't been as planned.
I will do. I won't. Will I be able to keep things right?
I long for the night that I won't lose myself on useless tasks and do what I must straight away.
I will change it - it doesn't seems to be happening tonight.


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