making decisions / making changes

New year's coming. With it, people tend to make decisions and plans: some wan to get a better job; others want to get a boyfriend / girlfriend; some want to travel; others want to see this or that; and the never ending list of what people want alwyas pop up in the New Year's time.
Some people write their plans down. Others keep them in their inds and hearts, as I do, like if it were some kind of praying they kept repeating with their whole hearts.
I am not going to type down about my plans. Seems this is the year for some people to start planning their New Coming Year's movements. It's the same for me. I am not looking any of the entries of the previous New Years' eves. If I have ever said that I was planning anything for the coming years, I would have been lying. This is the first year that I am planning something. And by planning, I am writing about something that when December started, I have decided and that I have started even before the month has begun.
A few entries ago, I have also tyoed about some changes: I was getting rid of some ld clothes and donating them for the charity containers, tha,ll be distributed for people wo need those clothes that I no longer wear (now I ask why for charity, when I hate 90% of the human kind? I truly hate people and this hate is a blessing that I have been getting in the last couple of years. And about the remaining 10%... I just tolerate them. I think that I only like / love 1% of the human beings). I got rid of some old letters and kept the meaningful ones. I also got rid of some old stuff that I have had n my bedroom. Now the change that I need to do, is moving the furniture from it's place to new ones. It can also be the old places where it were before. But it's changing anyways. The wicked-motherfucking-furniture is in the same place for years now. My bedrroms needs a new look and it might be the changing that'll unlock my motivation and my will.
I also have had doubts about those social networks. Facebook. Twitter. My blogs. I wanted to delete all the stuffs, except the blogs, and to start new ones. It will happen in the due time. I'll just keep a certain Alt account. I'll keep my blogs, but I'll move The Chronicles Of The Victim to the new Google account. Or I'll evolve it out of that old blog.
The decision is made: blogs, tumblr, facebook, twitter and the shitty-sparkling thingies of digital life will get deleted or moved along.
Changes... they include so much more than one can think or dream off.

So there is so much to be done in 2014. So move your skinny ass, Bruno, and run... run for your life, because the end is near!


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