Simply logging out Twitter and Facebook! I have seen what I had to see! I have read what I had to read! I have found out what I had to find out! Tried to write an entry, previously, but nothing's coming out, so here I am, doing one last attempt, althoguh I have a very good feeling this time! The kid on the cdomputer by my side keeps staring at my computer and keeps getting up and sitting down. He goes and speaks with the kids two computers by my left. He annoys me! He botters me! I could get unfoccused of my point, but this is not happening: curse of the Devil or gift of the Gods? Who knows? And who cares?

I just realised that the only place where my writings don't have any strings attaching my words and ideas, is here, on my blogs, or in my diary. In any other thing/support I compromise myself to write, with any other idea, I always choose carefully my words. I don't want to sound miseducated or careless about my writings. And my ideas wouldn't sound any bad or any wrong, they would sound a bit rude or harsh in the way I would write them. If those voices in my head were completely unleashed, without any kind of control, they would end up sounding a bit rude or harsh (such as i previously mentioned), some of them would sound mean, perhaps racist...

Ideas, ideas, ideas! Voices! Phrases! Single words! Places!

I wish, sometimes, I could log my mind/soul out, the same way we log facebook or twitter accounts out! If it was this simple, perhgaps some stuffs would be easier, but it wouldn't be so funny!


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