Wishing to destroy something beauty...

That's what I do wish. I have had a wonderful day till that damned woman who works with me now (and she's mother of one of my friend) hae decied to get conflict with me for something way stupid. My damned work mate decided to "join the party" and I just wanted to pick the larg knife I use to cut cakes to cut them and pull their entrails out and spread all around the caffé.
OK, Bruno, you need to relax!
I need to burn them down!
And I found my mate is bisexual like me (I am more gay, though) and he's giving some tips out that he wshes somethingform me, but e's just a stupid kid. OK, OK, he's 21 and I am about turning 22, but he behaves like a damned kid. And he haves some kind of hability to upset me seriously, just by being quiet in a corner. He makes feel angry, sometimes, just to look at him!
I wanna so many things. I am falling apart something. I am needing something I cannot bear: company! A boyfriend! Something like that, but I also wanna be alone. I don't need them for anything, why do I wish such a shitty stuff?
I need to fix my head in the place. I need to go to my grand dad's and have a relaxing season in country side. I need... I do really need...
I need to break something beauty. Like one of the characters from "Fight Club", whose name I can't recall and wish actor's name I can't remeber, as well, which punched such a hot young blond boy till he's face is all broken and bloody and all he said, when guys stopped him was "I just wanted to destroy something beauty". That's all I need!!