What To Do...?

Still longing on so many things. Still longing in long nights of insomnia. Still longing in a fantasy world. Still longing on something more. Still longing in a distant world of fairtale,where me,the hidden prince in a tower, will be saved by another prince, arriving in his dark horse, in a Middle Aged land, with knights, with tents around, with medieval fairs, with lots of forests, with dragons, with princesses and donzels. Still longing with the futuristic world, with an overpopulated metropolis, with flying cars and spaceships. Still trying to keep, at the same time, my head in the Earth. Still...
Right now, was trying to modify my blog. I was working hard to find the right image to fill in the blog's title, but it's so hard to chose. I would like to be like those people who look at some thing and just think: "This would fit perfectly here or there". But I am not. I can not take a decision, before I think very much about that, without longing for hours, for days or weeks, tll I ind the right thing to place in the right space. It's just too anoying. I wanna change. I know things need to be changed, in my blog, in my life... Decisions are needed to be taken, actions are needed to be made, but I am actionless. I am behavinglike a stupid kd, like a stupid teenagers, with his hormones all floppy, jumping around, trying to stick his dick in every hole which seems available to.
I'm needing to sleep. Maybe that's the wrong thing, the fact that of leaving everything to the end, but I just can't behave in a different way. I am just me, myself and I!

Right now, I listen to Epica, with Simone Simmons singing to "Falsches Spiel". I have the English version of this song "Running For A Fall", but this soft version of this music is just amazing. I need to thank to Ludi for having it in her profile. :) It's relaxing me! And I must confess, I can sing a little bit like Simone, I can make some stuffs with my voice like that, though I am a guy. And I was wanting to get a band, to work in different styles of music, Metal is the main one, and it would sound well to me to be able t use this "side" of my voice. I need to find the people, but they're not appearing. Maybe I am looking for in the wrong places.
I wanna find the right path. I wanna keep following the right trail, but it's being hard... Really hard! I hang around with people, some of them are not the right people, but I do trust a lot in people. Maybe a little bit too much. What to do? Things, sometimes, seems to be changing, but they always go back to the beggining. And it's not sounding good. Not at all!


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