Matter of What..?

Thee 's something weird going on... I could say it's something weird going on with me, but it wasn't jus with me. The world... The world has something weird around...

People says it's a matter of time for me to change, for me to see the world in a different view. Some of the so called gothic people crticized me for listenig to Evanescence, when I used to say I was a gothic. But people does not understand that Evanescence came to help me to rise from the ashes. Perhaps,I had commited suicide a long tyime, if Evanescence hasn't poped out to the world. It's like if they have had entered in my mind and in so many things, has the same view of things and of the world than me. World, people, life...

About one hour and a shower ago, I was in the street I live in for 14 years by now, riding the swing they installed here, when they made the works in the city, change it into a tottlly new place, listening to"Everybody's Fool" in a piano intrumental, by Eclipse.This song earnt a whole new meaning for me sinceI downloaded this album. It felt like I was that little scared teenager again, feeling like a tiny shadow between the crowd... The street was empty it was ony me, the spring trees and"Everybody's Fool".

I do feel like addicted in that song. Th more I liten to it the more I inject it onto my organism, the more addicted I get. I need songs like this one, like Evanescence's ones, to help me to feel I am not alone.

Sometimes, I am surrunded by people, but I always feel alone. It's like no one could understand me andlike the moe friends I have, the more lonely I am, becaus the more friends I get, the more different they're from me. The more some people say they understand how do I feel, he less I do believe it... It's hard for me to explain...

I need to go... I nee to sleep... Maybe sleeping will heal!

Good night!


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