A little forgetting note

I just fell down, in a small stairway aside to the builing where my aunt lives at. My knee and my wrist are hurting. My hand is bothering me too. It's OK, just a little wound.
People are asking if everything's OK with me. I am too quiet, they say. I am OK, I just feel a bit sad with no reason, but I am fine. Or I think I am fine.
I have ideas for that secret blog of mine, but I still haven't writen any down. Friends and their jokes... how sweet is revenge in the secret of my words. But still, it's just ideas.
I am OK. I am not. What's wrong? I have no idea.
In the last couple nights, fog hitted the city. Cars pass by and once again it seems that there's another stalker driving in the streets of the city. When the same car passes around the place where you're at, can it still be considered paranoia? If so, after some recent events, call me paranoid then. I don't mind and I'm used to it.
I am wondering and wandering. I wander around, getting highed, wondering about my life. People are joking. Some others are offering me alternative ways out. But they are still joking.
It makes no difference.


Elizabete ღ said…
Felt like that some times the past week! Just attach it to the bad weather... I was really missing the Sun, I still do despite the few hours he appears this weekend (felt to cold to really enjoy it)!
Anyway, just get yourself back together! Today, it's another day! And it's a good day, to have a good Day! =D

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