So Much To Say

So much to type/speak about...

I could speak about you, Pedro! My 18 years old cousin, who has been in a psychiatric hospital several times. Still haven't gotten if you've tried suicide or if you suffer from somewhat of Schizophrenia!

I could speak how I mourn Amália Rodrigues... sometimes, the voice in the old Cd's isn't just enough!

I could speak about you, Samuel, who i have spoken with this afternoon. I miss you, your mentality, your sweet face, those words that you used to direct to me. in fact, you have been one of the few guys who have ever made me feel truly comfortable to with who I am.

You, love... My stalker, well of lies. Green eyes set on me, no matter what, nor who. I care not! You care not! We feel disturbed at each other's presence. I feel stalked, especially having your car (or is it just a
BIG coincidence, that a car similar to yours always appears in my paths?) always around. I am not going to say that you're really following me, but it's weird that, in many, many situations, especially when I'm all alone in the streets at night, cars exactly like yours (yeah, yours, you seem to have more than one dark BMW with darkened glasses) passing by, stopping, passing really slowly from me... Anyways, still love you, no matter what...

So much to say and there are no ways to describe it... My soul is full of longings and mournings... My soul is made of Saudade...

So much to say and speechless I am!!


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