My paths!!

The sun came to make us a visit. Since yesterday, the days are bright and warm enough, that I smile and keep thinking of how much of the beach I am wanting and needing! I feel trapped... Somehow, I am trapped to the past! Ki am trapped to the things that have never moved from the same exact place!

I fight for what I want. I have been stopped for too long. I have seen a chance to change the stuffs, but that chance has been a very small one. That chance seemed to haven't improved into a nothing, just once again!

I take a look at teenagers passing by in the streets. 13, 14, 15, 16, 17... All young, from when the time of good promises was there. If I had a time machine and if I could go back in time, knowing all I know today, having all the bad experiences that I  have had until today, how different would be things? In one hand, they would be exactly the same, but I would be way more careful in some other points...

I see men passing by. How many, many times have those men been the center of my thoughts. How many, many times some males have been the light I have had in my mind, to lighten up my path... 

no one can lighten my path!

No one's the light for my soul!

I am the one!

The one who can change it all!

The one who has to wakr hard(er)!

I am the one who will end up in ashes, feeling it's everything ok...

I'll be back to nature...

I'll be back to myself!


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