A new haircut... realisations about life itself and myself...

My hair was getting a little bit too big, so I have gone to cut it today. Finally, I did managed to get the money and the guts to go to the barber shop and to cut my hair. When I arrived there, both barbers were busy, although one of them was finishing the job already, so I went outside to smoke a cigarette. And while smoking the cigarette, I was thinking about that old barber shop, the street where it's now (before the construction works in Cacém, the barber shop was in the old downtown of the city). I also was thinking about life and people in it.

My hair wasn't this strong for a long, long time ago. I have had a few health problems that made my hair goes extra-weak and fall massively. Two years and a half later and lots of anti-fall shampoo, it is stronger than ever before, I dare to say, although it has allowed me to see the place in my head where the hair is lacking. Even withouth my glasses on, I could notice the lack of hair. I don't want to get bald, but since I am not working, I have no money to buy any products to make the hair grow massively as it has fallen, not even to buy anything to make a fucking pube grow in a already hairy zone! I feel sad for this, but that won't occupy much of my thoughts: despite of people's comments, it won't make me think that much from there on.

I have a friend... I mean, he is the boyfriend of a friend, though he's an acquaintance for a long time. His teeth are ruined. He's fixing them, due to his rich grand dad, who pays his college, for him to miss the classes to follow his girlfriend to the job. Possibly it's his grand dad who's paying his dentist either. 
Still on that boy, he also enjoys to have fun at people's face: someday (and I pray I am around to see it happening) he'll be getting in problem, with some not-so-chill-out-guy, that might feel offended by his behaviour. Plus, that dude also enjoy grabbing and touching me. He sent me, with his girlfriend consent, a picture of him naked. I will write a story where he'll be raped roughly. And how many times have I already thought of how good it would feel to be me fucking his virgin asshole. Dreams! Dreams! AhahahahahhaAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!

I am going mad at some people and at some stuffs... at life itself, for example... I know that I haven't been a model of virtues and that I haven't worked enough to get some of the stuffs I always wanted, but I think that I haven't been that bad either, for deserving such punishments.

I am planning... and working towards to begin the changes within me... and when I do arrive where I want to, and when I do achieve what I want to, get out of my way or be cautious, because I'll be like an unstoppable train, filled with flammable prodcuts and with bombs in it, for a terrotist attack. And you won't wish to be in my way... Oh, no you won't!!


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