
Late at night in the street. Silence. Cars in the road.

You used to made me think you was following me.I used to think you was wanting to scare me. I used to believe that. I barely see you nowadays... Not even to your car! But I did found out a new car, very look alike with yours, but this new guy is the one who works in my street. This guy, is the one who now goes to the café, even if it's only to take the hormones' injection due to the gym. This guy is the one whose car I see more times than I would really like, is the guy who looks at me, making me feel uncomfortable with his presence. This guy gives me the feeling of something that's not good at all, about to happen. This guy... This guy... Just let it rolls and we'll see where it goes. We'll see where and how it'll ends!!

In the end of the day, I still hang out the streets. Fortunatelly, I think I have a very good friend who I can count on, if anything goes outta control, if someone decides to try "the joke".

Lately, all of my €0,50 are for half of hours of Internet. I used to pay for one hour and then I used to go mentally "dry", trying to find out what else to do and getting bored. Blogging is enough... For now!!


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