A Quick Entry

So my time, like lately, is running away, like sand dripping between my fingers. I do really need to get up and go home. I do need to walk down the night streets to arrive home, with the fear of thugs in the night. I do need to do so many things, but seems that I am too lazy to move, to do anything for my life. Anything truly useful, worthy and important for my life. I read a blog entry that made me realise some mistakes and still, sat here, instead getting up and just leave.

A strong knock on my friend's door. I jumped in the chair. The night is hot and I hear them crawling in the walls. I hear them calling my name. Can't you hear the streets? Can't you hear the night beings?

After a week partying, I decided not to party tonight. Staying "real". Staying foccused in me, in my thoughts, in my ideas. I do need to get foccused, but then againb, there's always something pulling me away...

The night is so hot... The night calls for me... And it's time to leave...



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