Days... Thoughts...

No pressure... yet! No hurry... yet! Been listening to music, checking Facebook and now am here, writing this. I had something to say, that had nothing to do with sea, sunset, Summer, etc., but this means nothing. Lately, I think on what I do want to write on my blogs, on what I would like to share with people, but I end up writing something completing different of what I first planned! Same is going on today...

No beach for me today. Went to lunch with a friend, her daughter and a friend of ours. In the Brazilian restaurant, I just noticed one of the waiters. A very handsome, muscular waiter. Then we went shopping with her. We hanged around. We came up to our city. We smoked one. I just feed the kitten and here I am!!

I decided to share something. And that something just gone away. I decided to show a different thing. I decided to change. It's hard, but to decide is just a tiny step. It's far from being the change itself, but it's an idea. Not even an action, but an idea!

I Need more Summer. I need more sea. I need more sun. I need more heat. I do need things that I possibly will never ever achieve. That's part of life. That's a part of life's cycle and I can't just keep complaining and groaning and moaning all the time about it. Just moving on and to work to fix or improve the changes that need to be done, if they can be done at all. If not, movving and get a new one.

Outside, life's awaiting me. In a few minutes, off I go to the streets. Right now, I satill have 5 minutes to enjoy here! In a few days, I'll be far enough from a computer and will be way too long without typing here, so let me enjoy!


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