A New Tenant In The House And A Day Of Beach

Yesterday in the afternoon, after my mom arrive from the beach and from her friend's daughter house, she brought a very dark, furry spot in her right arm. It was a kitty, with a few days of life, that someone abandoned. My mum's friend insisted so much, said that she would pay the vet to the kitty and all those stuffs, what convinced my mum. Our older cat died last Summer, and he the only one we had since the younger one died. Both Cats died without being seen by a vet. The reason was, my mum's money is not enough for all the stuffs required: pay the house, the bills, animals food and the whole bunch to be paid off. And the fact that I am not working doesn't helps, but still the kitty is now in my kitchen, I just gave him his milk and came off to write a bit, to brag a bit, to check facebook and the ordinary errands that Internet demands.

I just arrived from the beach. Spent the whole morning and the greatest part of the afternoon there. I have a little sun burnt in my back and in my feet, but I am feeling happy, although way too soft. Hash in the beach is so great, especially if you're smoking it with friends! Hot guys walking aroung, when you're high are juicy either... They are great eye candies. They are great ways to wake up our senses. Playing with our friend's kids in the beach is also a great therapy. I just lacked the most important part: something sweet, such as

So now, I am anxious, looking forward this guy's texting. I told him a secret of mine. He replied me in the same hand. He messaged me online, saying he would love to talk to me and although I have sent him three texts already, the textings are pending. I will just let it go. I will just let see what life will bring me.

And before requesting this half an hour of Internet, I thought about getting a new account on "tribalwars" strategy game, but then again I think that it would be useless, if I can not play it, if I can not give it full attention, what means I will have to wait.

A new tenant awaits for me in the house. I wasn't counting with such a sweet boy, but there he is, this black cat, lying in my kitchen, that has just been feeded. Sooner or later, I will have to share a picture of Simba (the kitten's name). It's hard not to fall in love with such a small and helpsless little creature. That depends on you to eat. There are other things that I want to do, but they're things of my own and while I am not working on them, I'd rather not tak/write about them.


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