Travelling / Sad Day

Am I the only one travelling this world, withouth leaving my little safe corner? Am I the only one knowing the desire and the lust? Am I the only one who have tried them all, who have gone throught the danger, who took the closest step to the death, but that still keeps dreaming of a brand new day, without caring for all the judges / prejudices??

I am travelling, right now, reight here, sitted in my chair of this cyber store! I am far, far away, in a place of an amazing beauty. The big temple calls me, as the two big waterfalls at it's side keep dropping their waters. The huge tress all around seem untouchable, as the wind barely blows. Someone yells inside the temple and my mouth keeps shut, as I do know the secret lying right inside. Alladin's lamp and it's genius could be on my possession, as I dropped it, in a purpose to the huge river, so no great genius would be trapped inside ever again.

The night falls! I open the temple's door and I walk inside! The night falls and lust turns way more violent, for my own delight. Elias stares me in the eyes and nothing else matters, as he keeps telling me all then stories he hopes to see shared one day.



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