Older boys or younger men

it always depends on people's mentality. There are two dudes living in the street of the café where I go daily. They're aged about 19 or 20 years. One of them is very handsome, while the other one has an average beauty, although he has a nice body. How do I know about his body? Well, I once saw him shirtless in Winter, taking the trash to the bin in the end of the street. Now, there's a third dude added to that group. Two brothers and a friend, who once was staring at my coimputert, while I typed an entry here and tried to see some gay porn images. I don't know those dudes. They're not even acquaintances. I know them from seing them passing by. I know them, because their manly-like-beauty isn't something I would let escape. In fact, despite I usually dislike younger men, I would open an exception for those two brothers. Their friend could join in, if it pleased him. I would "take care" of the three of them.

Now, there's a younger dude. Darker skin, pretty young, possibly the same age as the previously mentioned dudes. And now that's a dilemma. I have gotten that dude looking at me several times. And although younger dudes aren't my cup of tea (like I previously mentioned either!), he leaves me curious. And as he leaves me curious, with a little opportunity I would go for him. Just to tease. Just to try.

There's another darker skinned dude (none of those "dark skin dudes" are black! and it would be OK, if they were: it's just my ass and my dick!), not that young, possibly my age, who I have seen several times in different public WC's. I've seen him in inside of those WC's or just leaving, when I was going inside one of them. And since we all know that public men WC's aren't just for the physical needs, I imagine what can be done with that dude.

There are way too many thinkable materials lately, but very few action left done! I need more, as my hormones are getting an incredible high need of "food"! And I'll explode soon... and more mistakes aren't allowed!!


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