Friends with strange desires/atitudes

Who knows me (but who really does), knows that I am gay. My friends are no exception, of knowing my sexuality. And so, people do hang around with me, accepting (or not) and respecting my lifestyle and my sexuality.

Also, who knows me well, knows that I smoke hash / weed. I do smoke it with friends; it can work as a social "tool"! In one of those 2012 nights out, with a certain friend of mine (who's also the ex, of a girl I know for years), we were smoking some hash and we went to the top of his building, where no one would get us smoking or using his laptop, for a football managing game he was playing. In the middle of the conversation we were having, he asked me: "how long have it been since you've fucked for the last time?". I told him that I haven't done that for a while (it was true at the time), but I was just wanting to chill out, to calm my mind down and then I would re-start thinking on going back to that. While he asked me that and while I replied, I also noticed that he was scratching his dick.

Today, I have met a group of three friends and there he was. He grabbed my ass. And that night, after so long, came across my mind.

He's not the only one having that kind of atitudes with me. I don't feel offended. I don't feel comfortable either. The last one tempting me, ended up with his big dick inside my mouth the whole morning and he always said he was straight. I think that nothing will pop out from here. I think that many of those dudes are simply kidding, but if the chance pops out, in a secret, I'll go for it. I'll make them faint of pleasure and beg for more. Eheheh!! Just kidding! I won't do this with another friend ever again (I hope; I've learned to never say never). I don't want to do this with a friend anymore, because the feeling in the end, is weird and the friendship may be lost, as many dudes can not deal with it, after the thing is done. If I were a chick, things would be OK. And I understand them! I really do!


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