Writing, being outlaw and the witchcraft of feelings

"I dare myself to put my body on the line. My writing is where I can be most unlawful, and where I can perform countless crimes, literary and otherwise, without any real retaliation. If I am going to repress myself 24 hours a day, if I am going to smile and speak politely, not lose my temper, say please and thank you, even while being detained in a cage of micro-aggressions (at work, or even within my most intimate relationships), I simply refuse to concede any thing on the page itself. It’s mine. It’s the only thing I have, this tender sliver of a murdered tree."
~Robin Coste Lewis
Seen on Shivanee Ramlochan's Facebook wall, my dear friend from Trinidad and Tobago, posted from Almah LaVon SecretnBold.
Thank you both, for being so kind to share this amazing text and for allowing me to share it. Please, keep up the great work of sharing the feelings, self or from others, of making people like me to feel different ways of feeling, to be witnesses of different points of view, to live as if tomorrow did not matter, because we have the present time exactly for that: to feel!


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