so much to do, that it even hurts!

I have had several thoughts and ideas. I haven't writen them down or put them in practice. I do my stuffs and that's it. Seems that I don't care about stuffs anymore.
I am looking forward something and I can not discover or decipher what that little piece of something is. (Do not tell me the obvious, I know that very well).
I am using the little remaining minutes to write this. This is it. The day started well and boring with something I have had to do. I fell aslept as I have arrived home and things gone truly wrong (hours passed by without having me realizing about them). It's getting dark outside and it seems that the longer days are having their effect. Spring will be her soon. I see the flowers showing up here and there. The Spring birds are flying the skies, with their dance. I see it all developing, while my metamorphosis is not coming. I am sadened.
I have walked the streets of Lisbon yesterday. The city sadens me. Beautiful ol builings falling apart. Beautiful old buildings where people could live, falling apart, abandoned. Beautiful old buildings being demolished, so new buildings are popping up. Lisbon, my beautiful and sad city. I crave you and your streets, but I could not desire any others but those where I live at. I have all my life here. Everybody seem to be able to move on, but me...
Pissed off, disturbed and annoyed.
What to do?
So many things that it hurts!


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