
It's raining outside! Oh God, it's raining! I open my arms, close my eyes and lift my head to the sky. I leave it falling down my face, wetting it, wetting my clothes and, as a consequence, wetting my body. In the news, they spoke about the drought: it burnt the crops, it didn't allowed the grass which feed the cattle to grow.

It's raining! Perhaps the sky has felt the melancholy, perhaps Heaven (does it exists?) has felt how sad I am lately and decided to weep with me!

It's raining... Oh God, it's raining! I keep my eyes closed, my head turned to the sky, my arms wide open, as if I was trying to hug the rain and the wind! I leave the tears roll down my face!

"why are you so sad? Why are you crying?" someone asks.
Who's asking? I don't see anyone around me!
"Why are you so sad?" the voice repeats.
"I feel alone. And it's not a physical loneliness, it's some kind of loneliness that you only feel within. I feel like bursting, with so much to give away, but there's no one to receive it. But the worst is not having anyone to receive what I ha ve to give: it's that no one's understand what burns and burst within me!"

It's raining and I now pick the umbrella and am preparing to go out. In a few minutes, I am picking the train and am meeting my mother in Lisbon, near to her job. I'll see the rain drops hitting the train's windows.

A few nights ago, it rained! The lightening ripped the sky in millions of parts! The rain fell strong, as if the sea was falling from the sky. Nothing more than this was needed at the moment! This entry is way different from what I have thought it would be and look. In fact, I have had a lack of imagination when I sat in front of the computer and started typing this. Perhaps the words I had in myind weren't that important or they weren't supposed to be typed. I don't know! I don't care! I am simply closing this here and am walking under the rain, am getting my mother, feeling my feelings and stop thinking about the others and about the world!


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