Yes, it's true!! I no longer wear black clothes or boots! I no longer wear the goth or metal head dude! I don't wear that black make-up, that you got used to see me! But is that a reason for you not to talk to me and not even look at my face? Is that a reason for you to simply turn your eyes aside, so you can pretend you haven't seen me? You're not a friend of mine. I am not a friend of yours and possibly I shouldn't be wasting these precious minutes typing about you. Possibly, you don't even mention me as an acquaintance! But still I make a sign to you, with my head, as if you weren't ignoring me! Stupid girl! Stupid me! Who's stupid, from the two of us? Possibly you, for your action! Possibly me for caring! Possibly both of us, for accepting this action from life, each one of us at his/her own way!

It's afternoon! It's hot! There are some dudes out there I could fuck! There's this sexy indian dude I mention quite often here, in this blog, who's now chatting by my side, in the computer! I could grab his bulge and rub it. He could punch me in the face. Or he could enjoy it and let the rubbing go, until it turns onto a wanking and, as a consequence, until he cums in his boxers (or pants, in my dirtiest fantasy, he wears nothing, but the jeans). So why am I caring about you, stupid chick? The next time you pass by me, I'll do the same as you've been doing, since I have seen your shocked face by the lack of black in my clothes: ignore you! And perhaps I will simply delete this post, whenever I decided to clean my blog from the posts that unplease me! Perhaps...


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