One Last Entry...

...before leaving to the North of the country, to the same house where I used to spend my vacations with my grand dad! I will spend about two weeks or two weeks and a hald there! I will spend some great days with some friends; some of them live in France; one of the girls lives in London (England). Some of them live quite close from me, but we only see each others on Summer! I am leaving the paraphernalia of the cities behind for a few days and I do have to admit that I am needing it!!

I have made some mistakes. I have abused of alcohol and hash. The car has been stolen and since it's a theft, there's cop involved. Some of the people I hang around with are not the models of virtue, which means that having the cops following us is not that good, as it would be in another times, that everything related to cops in my life would be sexual fantasies. So thank Goth that I am leaving tomorrow, for a few days. I will let the dust settle and I will see how things are at the time I return!

I do have some plans! And I have already put them to a practice... Or their beggining! So I just need to relax, pretend everything's fine, when I head up there and we'll see how are things, when I return!

See ya in less than one month!


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