Music Sharing And Past "Tour"

The previous post was just an idea I was having for a while by now! I have most of my CD's at my aunt's house,as when I had the laptop, all my musics was there, in mp3 format. A few days ago, I decided to get in three CD's that a high school friend of mine (back to the past, huh?) burned for me, as I asked her to do so. Those three songs were some of my favourites there! I was also mad about Outlaw Stars, so it's understandable that at least one of the songs in the soundtrack used to please me!

I do miss the times I used to arrive home and then just put my backpack down to see animes, such as Sailor Moon, Dragon Ball, Outlaw Stars, Lost Universe. Back to the times I used to write (or that I really tried to, instead lying to the others and to myself) my stories, most of my inspiration was from animes and other comics/cartoons. The soundtracks also used to make me dream and get some inspiration for my writings. Nowadays, I do not see animes anymore (I am watching Dragon Ball Z Kai), I do listen to those CD's when I am at my aunt's home. Ideas pop up in my mind, but I do not work on them... Does it really matters in the end? Is it worthy, anyway?

Time in the internet is over for me and for today! One last line: try not to laugh when a thug is dancing in front of the computer, almost popping his dick out, seing chicks in bikinis, on youtube's hip-hop songs! There's something that changed from the past until now: thugs increased quite a lot! Some of them, are asshole kiddos, with too much of free time!! Others... Well, it's not being racist, but due to what I have seen, it's in their genes!!


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