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...and I am still making the plans of what I do want to change! I don't want to make plans massively, because that will just work as an overwhelming idea, that I possibly will not manage to work them all at the same time, getting sad, disapointed and frustrated. Like it should be with everything, baby steps, until I "afford" the right to walk as a giant!!

First then anything, I need my job and when I get a job and get paid, I will have to fix my laptop and get internet. All the rest... Well, all the thinjgs I need are important. I am not working towards a simple wish of I want and I will get it!! I will work towards to get the things I need first, then I will just see what will happen. I surely will try not to make the same mistakes that I alwas did!

I want to reach the things: I need to work to get them and I will work for it, it doesn't matters how hard it'll be!


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