What To Say?

I look at my past. I remember those old times. Seems it's all so far away. The feelings ain't changed much. My questions are still the same of qhen I was a child. I still listen to the same voice. But there are other things which seems way too far. I still wonder why all this sadness, even when I am smiling. I still wonder how do I can smile, when all the pain inside seems just too much than I can even stand. This world hurts me. Beauty hurts me. Ugliness hurt me. Smiles hurt me. Tears hurt me. Why all this feeling? Why this feeling of emptiness, even when I am surrounded by dozens of people?

I still wonder why do the winds whispers his secrets to me. I still wonder the sea calls me everytime. I still wonder which will be the taste of Death... I mean, of being dead, not of tasting the death of others, because it's just too much pain going on and on... There's so many things why I wonder, that I try to give up on wondering on this. Just letting it flow, just letting it go.

Still look at my past... But am getting some stuffs from  my past back, like getting high and going on for car rides on high speed. Sure, I do not drive. I am too affraid to take my driver's license, but I still love going on high speed...

Wondering... Wondering... Most artists got this wondering stuff... But what to say? What to do? Nothing!! Just leave and feel! Peace, love and respect!!


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