The Letters I Write...

Are almost everytime too late... I try to write as soon as I can, but I never write them the soon they should be written. Other times, I have a great lck of time to go to the post offices to post them to their destiny and it happens that I take almost one year to post some letters...
I would like to be able to wite or to post them sooner, but it's almost impossible for me to get time to breathe, that it's almos suffocatng when I think in the other part of my life that doesn't includes my job at the caffé. I would like to get a boyfriend. I would like to go out sometimes. I would like to have time to spend the cash in my mobile in futile and time wasting conversations with my friends. I would like to pick up a train and go wherever I wish, whenever I wish. But I don't have the time for that, or I don't have the money I need.
Anyway, some letters I have written ust disappeared like that, so I will hae to rewrite some of them, try to find the people's addresses in my plastic box, where I keep the letters and post them tomorrow, as it's my day off from job. I need to get more time and to pay more attention to my friends all over the world.
For th time being, I got my eye in a guy, but I am scared to go ahead wih something with him... It's too idiotic for me to be so insure about something like that, but I am human after all, and I have feelings...
Too bored on this senimental crappy things, so no more things will be settled down here for that!
Anyway, letters ill follow up SOON! This time, I won't miss the postman!


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