See no evil. Hear no evil. Speak no evil.

It takes one moment to realize what you seek for a lifetime. It doesn't matters if you've studied your lessons, if you have tried so hard that you have felt like fainting, because it takes a very little moment to realize everything when you look at a very specific detail.
I use to think of him often. Too often, that he suddendly appeared in that place where I saw him after a few years. Since I gave up on thinking about him, he hasn't showed up again. And it was close. Oh, it was so close... (I keep to myself the secret that I have thought about you the other night. So much, but not that hard, in the hope that you showed up. Nothing. Nothing, this time.)
It takes a very little moment, a very little detail to notice that someone doesn't wants to see me or to notice that I am not "welcome" on a "small space". I am not welcome and God forbid me to feel bad for this - keep him to yourself, old disgusting man, I care not. I care no longer. I play no games, I have no time to play games. I have no patience for stupid games. It took me just a little moment to look deeper onto that little detail and to step back.
See no evil.

I keep my mouth shut. What happens. What I feel. What I realize and that flows through. What I listen from others.
I am a tomb.
I am the tomb of the secrets that everyone tells me.
I am the tomb of what secrets lie within me.
I am the tomb of those forever burning hearts, darkened with lies. Darkened with cheating.
I am the tomb of the moment where you have moaned. Where I have given you a secret and forbidden pleasure. I am your tomb.
Speak no evil.

I see everything happening. Or nearly. And I keep my mouth shut. I look aside.
I hear them speak on someone's back (the same that have given you their food). I turn myself off from the conversation.
I hear the comments they do between themselves and I shut my mind off such conversation.
I hear. And I hear not.
Hear no evil.

I care. I care not. Die. Skin each others alive. Keep living your own fantasy, of shit chatting, gossiping and of putting others down. Keep laughing at others' faces. I won't be around. I don't want to be around. I promise a visit and my good will just flushes down me as the water down the toilet. I speak not. I see not. I hear not.
Call me names. Blame my face and what beliefs your "brothers" have settled on me. Bring on the past and proudly wear it as a weapon. Bring on the hypocrisy, raise the glass and cheer to you and to all of them. I'll be looking away, as a stranger passes by the window of the cafe. I'll be looking away as people get in and get out of the buildings. I'll be looking away, to the fuming cars and motorcycles going up and down the avenue.
Say your prayers. It'll all be gone. We're all be gone and none of you will worth more than a black hole. We're all be gone and not even a memory will be left of any of us.
Say your prayers and believe in your immortality. As I slowly vanish away.


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