
I am feeling a little bit better today, but still not well.
I am feeling like if I could write down this world and the other one, but still won't be doing that. Not today.
While I was walking the streets of my city, I saw your car passing by. I saw the shadow of my past passing through and I have just realised how way more powerful I am compared to you. You own your car, your house, the girls / boys you want to due to your money, due to the money that you've conquered through your hard work in a foreign country. Within my soul and in my writings, I own and I possess you. Your love is mine, it doesn't matters if you truly desire anyone else.
I have been thinking about re-start writing moe than just poetry. I have been thinking about drawing / painting again and all my mistakes are the best inspiration.
If things go as planned, I will be commiting some of the old mistakes and it'll feel good... until guilt hits me so had, like before...
I am going madened and my imagination is returning me the old places I have been on.
I am wanting and I am walking to that.
Desire without action is useless. And it's even more useless to complain for the lack of results, when the action is lacking as well.
I take the energy of the trees to heal me. The streets of the city are the dungeon where I am trapped and are the chains that I am breaking... slowly, very slowly, but I am woking on that. And I starting to feel powerful once again. I am spreading my wings and allowing myself to fly away. I will get my own internet soon, as I expect to and then I will be watching anime and porn and all the stuffs that have always made me dream and fantasize. And then, I won't be stopped.


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