One month away...

it took me 20 days away, one wedding, lots of forest fires (although they've been seen through the TV or in a safe distance) to realise way too many things.

Human beings are stupid by nature. They burn down everything. They turn everything onto ashes. Human beings are a bit like the wind: they can be pleasant, but they can also change their direction just like that. A friend, in times very important to me, is someone who turned out to be an indifferent person to me nowadays. He's far away and he "changed" me for someone with better and bigger toys. We can see how that friendship has developed.

Seing from far, the smoke is a Huge and very, very tall tower. The witch is in the top of the tower, waving her wand and her huge nails to the world. it burns and keeps burning and the full moon is red. The full moon in the sky turned out to be red. Not that strong red that it were years ago, but it was a red full moon.

I went to a wedding. I had lots of plans for these texts. Each paragraph was a different entry, but it turned out to be this way. No images / pictures that I've taken, but there's enough of this lines to read. A wedding of rich people: I hate weddings and I despise people with their noses turned up to the sky, just because they have money. You can wipe your ass with your bank notes and then eat them as salad, that I won't even mind. I will be myself all along the way and it's not a reproving look over me that'll make me change my behaviour.

it took me one month away to realise that my smile is more worthy than anything else and I can not leave anyone or anything steal that smile from me.

It took me one month away and I have realised that life cycle hasn't stopped. It is that continuous wheel turning and turning...

And it is going away...


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