here I am...

I am at the cafe in the afternoon. The day is very, very hot. The blue sky almost looks like it is turning onto gray. Inside the cafe (the one where I usually go only on Sundays), the open door and the open window makes a very pleasant and comforting breeze. In the last hour, I've been seing my Facebook at my aunt's tablet. I still need to learn how to use it a bit better.

Right now, a few people are talking in the other side of the cafe. A dude who had a girl in a fluorescent pink suit by his side, talks to another dude who used to be my school mate. That ex-school mate of mine still looks at me after all these years. That guy still recognizes my face everywhere he meets me. But we're still strangers. Like now, that he just went to get one pack of cigarettes, he was looking at me. He just sat in his chair and his eyes were set on me. It feels rather strange and uncomfortable. I have to say that, in the other hand, I'm already used to such turns from life.

I'm typing. When I stop typing, I pick my cigarette and I smoke a bit more of it. I still have one or two cigars left, from those who travelled from Greece to here. But I am still prefering my cigarette at this moment. I realise that the Internet connection is going down. It goes down. I shut the wi-fi app and re-open it. The connection works for a bit, until it goes down again. 

Here I am... typing, just because I felt like doing it. I am typing, because I was needing to. I started looking for some options on google. I can freely download images to use them here. I can freely download them to use them anywhere I want to use them.

Time keeps passing by...

I am happy, but still some what of a sadness hits my soul. Soon... I'll find out what that sadness means, soon. Or maybe, I won't at all. I just wanted to do smething beautiful... I just wanted to do something nice... and in the end, I haven't done anything... and I think that one if the many reasons for such sadeness is this: recognizing the huge failure that I am!


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