Planning... as the Summer has arrived!

we're burning under a heat of 37ºC. After what seemed something like a very distant Summer, it has finally arrived here, although I have seen in the newspaper that we're having only 30ºC tomorrow. I am not complaining about this heat: I really enjoy it and I really enjoy the idea that I could be spending whole days (or mornings or afternoons, if I had money to do that) in the beach. 

In the last few days, I have been delivering some curriculums, so I am hoping to get that damned phone call soon. I am hoping for a job interview. I am unemployed for almost for years. I can not stand this daily routine of eating, drinking, pissing shitting, smoking joints and sleeping anymore. It is way too comparable to be locked in a blank room, with pillowed walls. Ît is also half way to that! It is also half way to gunshot or jump off my window in the 5th floor and that's what I am not wanting to do.

I am planning: so many books to read, so many books to improve myself as an arts' student (I am planning on returning to my studies, but I can work on my own, until I manage to get a job to pay for the college fees). I am also planning on finally battling my fear of driving and go for the driver's license. There are things that I've planned before, but even when everything was OK and going well, there have been a few things that has made me lose the track. Not getting paid in my old job, spending my money in other stuffs are two perfect examples of that!

Another plan that I am doing and that is a plan that I have previously done, is to get another blog: that third blog will be the one where everyone can find me. I will post in both blogs the direct link to it, in the right time. It also means in the time that the damned blog is created! I still don't have it! But I have been "playing" with some definitions of and I have been finding out amazing tools that I haven't seen for years! I'll make sure that you'll find out that link when Iget that blog ready. But blogger isn't the only thing that I will re-create: I will create a Facebook account and a Twitter account. I'll just keep the account on The Alterium and the one in Youtube. I will have to look for all the people that I have in Facebook and in Twitter, but it'll worth! It really will!!


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