Improving this and that!!

Slowly, some stuffs are being improved! pictures taken to please myself, to expose mysel here and there (I am being careful enough to hide my face in too public "spots"). I finally typed all my poems, so i can start handwriting a few more ones. I can also re-start typing some old stories and start typing new ideas. It doesn't really means that I am going to type three or four stories at the same time, just that i can put some ideas down finally, as i managed to finish what i have proposed myself to!

There are things in life that made you wonder... Looking back to the past and to the copy of a friend's blog, I see now how similar we are in some points.

I have a few friends / acquaintances that people think they are gay. Some I wouldn't mind to find out. Others, the idea disgusts me.

I am improving things...

I am improving myself...

I need more...



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