
...that some things go as I want them to! At least this time, I do hope that I can change anything in my life, by getting anything I want! I am praying for Christmas week: I am not praying for the money or for the mobile I secretely want, I am wishing that dude which is coming to Portugal for the season. We have a pending conversation for a while now, I am suffering before the time as come and I have already ordered a little bit of hashish to a friend of mine: I don't want to get highed before going to talk with that dude, I want to get highed after the conversations, as I know it'll help me to relax and I know I will need it!

Wishing that at least this time, things can go as planned: but life never allows things to go as we plan them. At least, not at 100%, so I need to count on any kind on disapointment: I don't care! My plans aren't unperfect, I do not plan them at the minimal move, but I do wish some things...

As well as I wish I could improve my Facebook or Twitter accounts with imges that I hve downloded from the internet or even with any pictures of mine: the bad thing with this is that by being in a cyber shop, I can not spend too much time personalising those accounts, so I have to do little things, with  tiny amount of time!

Wishing that at least today, joy will remain until the end of the night! I won't be highed at the birthday party, I won't be drunk, so I can not promise to anyone, not even to my friend Miriam, or to the birthday boy, her boyfriend Marcos, that I will be the image of joy: I can only promise that I will try to!

Wishing my cigarettes, but still haing a little time to enjoy here: how many wrong things would I be doing at home, in my bed, with my laptop and the camera on?


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