Been busy doing nothing...

the last few days. Then again, it has been Christmas, and between holiday, getting high and drunk with friends, thinking and analyising the situation of my life (including a job I got and that I am thinking on refusing, as I won't get paid if I do not get contracts for TV, home phone and Internet services, as most people arte struggling with bills to pay and if they don't have those services already, they're not wishing to get them), I have been busy doing nothing.

Dead men do not walk, but some of the people that you start to wonder if they're dead or not, seem to enjoy showing up. You throw at their faces how shitty their actions are, they accept them, but never without a fight, then they start hanging around with you like if nothing has happened!

Drunk people shouldn't be condemned by their words or their actions, if they haven't killed anyone. But when they're drunk, their actions speak louder than when they're sobber: nthere's no lies beneath words/actions and thoughts!

I am not a drug dealer. I know a few hash dealers and so people feel free to call or text me to get them some hash, so they can improve to do their joints. Get lost, as I am not a dealer, so I don't need such things: I don't need that copos look even further to me, I don't need that my phone is "listened" and tracked, due to your calls/texts.

Getting a job seems a hard task, especially around this season (Christmas and New Year's eves). But when you feel trapped between the loyalty to a friend, who got you a job, no matter how shitty and how sure you are that you won't get paid, and when you're not getting any results on the hunting... Dammed!!

So this is it!! Been busy doing nothing! If your humour is quite easy to be caught, joing a bottle or two of Tequila and a few joints... Dammed!! You'll be doing nothing, by doing quite a lot, as standing assholes!!


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