Old Times... And Rage Against All The Odds

It's the time to call the old times. It's the time I cry hard and feel nothing inside. Like an hollow tree, I feel empty inside, feelingless. Thetre's nothing to grab now. Things changed, places changed, even people changed. People themselves, people around me, people to deal with. I changed. It's sad, because I look back and there are they: happy, with no concernings, with no worries. I look in front and I see nothing. Blank, Black White, nothing... emptiness. That's all the left me.
I fear I have lost them forever. I fear they have me forever. I fear I have lost my path and now it's too late to go back and fight.
Thinsgs are really diferent. People, me, the world. Things changed.
I have writen in my portuguese blog (http://angelalucardpt.blogspot.com/) today, one entry, now I am writing here, as a mad. Because people who we deal with, in real life, in internet, through mobile calls or text messages, they have an influence in how we feel. And sometimes, they are part of or present ut they came from a long gone past and we're the few remaining ones. And it0's unavoidable to remind and recall past. And me and L., we're doing this: Recaling past, recalling old feelins and sensations. And though there'slots of sadness involved in past desapearing, all this sdness is good. We're stronger, we can fight and go back on fights of everything which was real important for us: for me, my art! For her, our friendship and her oyfriend! for me: our friendship and my imagination. For her: me, her and others.
All is good, when we have the right people next to us!